Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Summer has begun!!

I can't believe how many days have past since I started this. I guess I am going to have to get used to posting more often. That is the whole plan!!

Well let me update you on our past few days of adventure. Here in Port Neches, just 15 minutes down the road, is a place called Tugboat Island. It is a big wooden park and adjacent to it is a sprinkler park. The kids LOVE it! We can go play, get all hot and sweaty, then go cool off and back to the park to dry. I like the park set up. It has lots of trees and shade and is open to see your kids play. We have enjoyed that twice in the past week.

In addition to that, Caleb and Ethan had their "closing ceremonies" for baseball this past Saturday. Caleb had an interesting baseball season. The older he gets, the more competitive things are. He enjoys the sport but is not driven to be "competitive" like his momma! He definitely has his daddy's laid back way of life. His team placed second. There is a boy on his team who's name is Caleb and has his same birthday. That is him in the picture with Caleb. They made a pretty good connection throughout the season.

Ethan's t-ball team was really good and the coaches were GREAT! All the coaches and parents fell in love with Ethan! He is full of smiles all the time and especially at baseball practice and games. He loved playing this year and seems to have the most "natural" talent so far. They always commented on how happy he always was and told us over and over that he was a coaches delight. That would make any mom proud! He loved the spotlight during trophy time. He rarely gets that in his family and this was a big moment for him.

Blake is ready for soccer in the fall. He was not interested in baseball this year. It is just not busy enough for him. He is really maturing and becoming so sensitive to God being at work in his life. He starts some very deep conversations. Jerry and I have seen the battle that rages within him so clearly over the past year. That is a comfort to us because it is evidence to us that his salvation was real for him.

Nate is very busy...busier than Blake! He is full of energy and life. He is also very demanding about everything he wants. He obviously will not be one to settle or follow another's lead. That will be good later, but right now....it is a daily struggle. We are in the battle of submitting to authority. I believe if we can teach our children to submit to our authority, they will be more ready to submit to God's authority as they get older.

Eli is growing so fast! He is scooting a little bit, eating cereal, fruits and veggies, and is loved excessively by his brothers! Many times the love pushes Eli over the edge. His nature seems to be like Ethan. He is full of smiles and likes "his" time.

Jerry and I are doing well. The dynamics of our family have changed so much. We are enjoying our interesting life, trying not to long for more than God wants for us at this time and choosing to be content through it all. This has definitely not been our plan, but we are getting glimpses of what God is doing in us and through us. We are thankful for it all. Enjoy our pictures and I will try to do better with my posts.

1 comment:

  1. Hey mom this is Caleb the Blog is awsome!!
